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compilers:matlab_to_llvm [2024/04/08 22:34] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== From Matlab to LLVM ======
 +===== Background =====
 +This page shows the implementation of a compiler that recognizes and translates part of the Matlab programming language into the LLVM IR syntax (more information about LLVM can be found [[|here]]). 
 +==== Implemented features ====
 +List of the Matlab features Implemented
 + **Data types**
 +    * Basic data types
 +        * int
 +        * double
 +        * arrays
 +        * matrix
 + **Operators**
 +    * arithmetic:
 +        * addition (+)
 +        * subtraction (-)
 +        * multiplication (*)
 +        * multiplication element by element (.*)
 +        * division(/)
 +        * division element by element (./)
 +    * comparison:
 +        * equality ( == )
 +        * greater than (>)
 +        * less than (<)
 +        * greater than equal to (>= or = >)
 +        * less than equal to (< = or =<)
 +    * logical:
 +        * AND (&)
 +        * OR (|)
 + **Sub block of codes**
 +    * if instruction
 +    * else instruction
 +    * for loop
 +    * while loop
 + **Function details (partial implementation):**
 +    * int type parameters
 +    * int return type
 + **Output:**
 +    * disp/fprintf
 +    * with variables and text (fprintf) and with only one variable (disp)
 +===== Compiler =====
 +The compiler is built of two parts: a scanner and parser
 +===== Scanner =====
 +The scanner is able to recognize and retrieve tokens (terminal symbols) to the parser coupled with an object containing a value that represents the token. It identifies integers, doubles and ids (that will be used for variables, function names, etc...) and other significant Matlab keywords like:
 +   * ''if''
 +   * ''else''
 +   * ''end''
 +   * ''for''
 +   * ''while''
 +   * ''function''
 +   * ''fprintf''
 +   * ''disp''
 +And other syntax elements like punctuation and other symbols.
 +==== Snippet of Matlab Scanner ====
 + <code java>
 +nl = \r|\n|\r\n
 +ws = [ \t]
 +id = [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
 +integer =  ([1-9][0-9]*|0)
 +double = (([0-9]+\.[0-9]*) | ([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)) (e|E('+'|'-')?[0-9]+)?
 +"("     {return symbol(sym.RO);}
 +")"     {return symbol(sym.RC);}
 +"="     {return symbol(sym.EQ);}
 +"+"     {return symbol(sym.PLUS);}
 +"-"     {return symbol(sym.MINUS);}
 +"*"     {return symbol(sym.STAR);}
 +".*"    {return symbol(sym.DOTSTAR);}
 +"/"     {return symbol(sym.DIV);}
 +"./"    {return symbol(sym.DOTDIV);}
 +"<"     {return symbol(sym.MIN);}
 +">"     {return symbol(sym.MAJ);}
 +"<="    {return symbol(sym.MIN_EQ);}
 +"=<"    {return symbol(sym.EQ_MIN);}
 +">="    {return symbol(sym.MAJ_EQ);}
 +"=>"    {return symbol(sym.EQ_MAJ);}
 +"&"     {return symbol(sym.AND);}
 +"|"     {return symbol(sym.OR);}
 +"~"     {return symbol(sym.NOT);}
 +"["     {return symbol(sym.SO);}
 +"]"     {return symbol(sym.SC);}
 +"function" {return symbol(sym.FUNCT);}
 +"end"     {return symbol(sym.END);}
 +"disp"    {return symbol(sym.DISP);}
 +"fprintf" {return symbol(sym.PRINT);}
 +"if"      {return symbol(sym.IF);}
 +"while"   {return symbol(sym.WHILE);}
 +"for"   {return symbol(sym.FOR);}
 +"else"    {return symbol(sym.ELSE);}
 +";"       {return symbol(sym.S);}
 +","       {return symbol(sym.CM);}
 +":"       {return symbol(sym.C);}
 +{id}      {return symbol(sym.ID, yytext());}
 +{integer} {return symbol(sym.INT, new Integer(yytext()));}
 +{double}  {return symbol(sym.DOUBLE, new Double(yytext()));}
 + </code>
 + ===== Parser =====
 + The parser can take as input the tokens provided by the scanner and recognize the main grammatical rules of Matlab language. As a result, the LLVM IR code is produced.
 + ==== Data structures ====
 + This snippet shows all variables and classes used to support the parser on the creation of the output program:
 + <code java>
 + public HashMap <String, InfoVar> symbolTable;
 + public HashMap <String, InfoFun> functionTable;
 + public boolean isCorrect = true; 
 + public StringBuffer stamentsBuff;
 + public ArrayList<String> stringStatements;
 + public int var_count = 0;
 + public int str_label = 0; 
 + public int sub_label = 0;
 + public int else_label = 1;
 + public int tot_sub_label = 0;
 + public int cmp_count=0;
 + public boolean activate_while = false;
 + public boolean desctivate_while = false;
 + public boolean activate_for = false;
 + public boolean desctivate_for = false;
 + public String ret_id = "";
 + public BufferedWriter bwr;
 + public int genVarCount(){
 + var_count++;
 + return var_count; 
 + };
 + public int genStrCount(){
 + str_label++;
 + return str_label; 
 + };
 + public class InfoVar{
 + public String reg_id; //First label assigned to the variable
 + public String load_to; //Reg id of the one who loaded an existing variable (default self reg_id)
 + public String type; //i32, double
 + public String value; //The real value of the variable (ex: 1 or 1.0)
 + public Integer align;  //alignment required: 4, 8...
 + public Integer size1; //If the variable is an array then this is its size, otherwise size1 = -1 
 + public Integer size2; //If the variable is a matrix then this is its size, otherwise size1 = -1 
 + public boolean just_created; //It helps to know if an operation must use the load_to or the real value
 + public InfoVar()
 + {
 + reg_id = Integer.toString(genVarCount());
 + load_to = Integer.toString(var_count);
 + size1 = size2 = -1;
 + }
 + InfoVar(Integer value, String type, Integer align)
 + {
 + this.just_created = true;
 + this.value = Integer.toString(value);
 + this.type = type;
 + this.align = align;
 + }
 + InfoVar(Double value, String type, Integer align)
 + {
 + this.just_created = true;
 + this.value = Double.toString(value);
 + this.type = type;
 + this.align = align;
 + }
 + }
 + public class InfoFun{
 + ArrayList<String> funParam;
 + Integer numParam;
 + String funRet;
 + public InfoFun(ArrayList<String> funParam)
 + {
 + this.funParam = funParam;
 + this.numParam = funParam.size(); 
 + this.funRet = "i32";
 + }
 + </code>
 +       * ''Class InfoVar'': class that represents a variable, array or matrix
 +         * ''reg_id'': represents the register in which the variable is stored
 +         * ''load_to'': represents the register where a variable is going to be load
 +         * ''type'': represents the type of the variable
 +         * ''value'': the real value of the variable
 +         * ''align'': the align for the variable
 +         * ''size1'': size of the array
 +         * ''size2'': size of the columns of matrices if needed
 +         * ''just_created'': It helps to know if an operation must use the load_to or the real value
 +        ''Class InfoFun'': class used to represent functions information
 +         * ''funParam'': list of parameters type
 +         * ''numParam'': number of parameters
 +         * ''funRet'': return type
 +       * ''Hashmap<String, TypeVar> symbolTable'': hashmap containing the correspondence between a variable ID and a InfoVar
 +       * ''Hashmap<String, TypeFun> functionTable'': hashmap containing the correspondence between a fuction ID and a InfoFun
 +       * ''Stringbuffer stamentsBuff'': buffer used to save all the outputs and then display an output.ll file
 +       * ''ArrayList<String> stringStatements'': array of the definition of the string in LLVM language, tipcally to be printed
 +       * ''var_count'': counter used for register names in LLVM IR
 +       * ''str_label'': counter for string labels names
 +       * ''sub_label'': counter for sub section of code
 +       * ''else_label'': counter label for instructions else
 +       * ''cmp_count'': counter of the cmp registers used in the LLVM language
 +       * ''tot_flow_label'': counter for total sub section of code
 +==== Grammar start ====
 +The grammar starts with the main symbol prog and writes down by stamentsBuff that therefore is displayed
 +in the output file output.ll. The non terminal symbol function_defs is read by first so all the functions
 +definitions are goint to be displayed at the beggining before the @main, at the end of each function definition
 +the var_count is reset so the main function can use the new registers. Between functions and main there are the string
 +declarations to be consequently printed.
 +<code java>
 +prog ::= function_defs {:
 + if(parser.isCorrect)
 + {
 + bwr.write("declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...)\n");
 + bwr.write(stamentsBuff.toString());
 + }
 + else
 + System.out.println("Program contains errors.");
 + var_count = 0; 
 + stamentsBuff.setLength(0);
 +:}statements {:
 + if(parser.isCorrect)
 + {
 + for(String s : stringStatements)
 + {
 + bwr.write(s+"\n");
 + }
 + bwr.write("define void @main(){\n");
 + bwr.write(stamentsBuff.toString());
 + bwr.write("ret void\n}");
 + bwr.flush();
 + bwr.close();
 + }
 + else
 + System.out.println("There are errors in the program");
 +==== Practical examples ====
 +=== Recognition of constants, variable, arrays and matrices ID ===
 +In this example it can be seen that when a for or while feature is actived it is displayed
 +the their corresponded labels before any register is be load
 +<code java>
 +val ::= ID:x {:
 + if(!parser.symbolTable.containsKey(x))
 + {
 + pSemError("Error: Variable "+x+"  is not declared.");
 + }else{
 + RESULT = parser.symbolTable.get(x);
 + //To load the variables inside the "while" block
 + if(activate_while){
 + tot_sub_label++;
 + sub_label = tot_sub_label; 
 + stamentsBuff.append("br label %while_cond." + sub_label+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("while_cond." + sub_label + ":"+"\n");
 + activate_while = false;
 + desctivate_while = true;
 + }
 + //To load the variables inside the "for" block
 + if(activate_for){
 + tot_sub_label++;
 + sub_label = tot_sub_label; 
 + stamentsBuff.append("br label %for_cond." + sub_label+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("for_cond." + sub_label + ":"+"\n");
 + activate_for = false;
 + }
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+RESULT.type+" , "+RESULT.type+"* %"+RESULT.reg_id+", align "+RESULT.align+"\n");
 + RESULT.load_to = Integer.toString(var_count);
 + }
 +| ID:x RO arit_op:y RC {:
 + if(!parser.symbolTable.containsKey(x))
 + {
 + pSemError("Error: Variable "+x+"  is not declared.");
 + }else{
 + RESULT = parser.symbolTable.get(x);
 + if(!y.just_created)
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+RESULT.size1+" x "+RESULT.type+"], ["+RESULT.size1+" x "+RESULT.type+"]* %"+RESULT.reg_id+", "+RESULT.type+" 0, "+RESULT.type+" %"+y.load_to+"\n");
 + else
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+RESULT.size1+" x "+RESULT.type+"], ["+RESULT.size1+" x "+RESULT.type+"]* %"+RESULT.reg_id+", "+RESULT.type+" 0, "+RESULT.type+" "+(Integer.parseInt(y.value)-1)+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+RESULT.type+" , "+RESULT.type+"* %"+(var_count-1)+", align "+RESULT.align+"\n");
 + RESULT.load_to = Integer.toString(var_count);
 + }
 +| ID:x RO arit_op:i CM arit_op:j RC {:
 + if(!parser.symbolTable.containsKey(x))
 + {
 + pSemError("Error: Variable "+x+"  is not declared");
 + }else{
 + RESULT = parser.symbolTable.get(x);
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+RESULT.size1+" x ["+RESULT.size2+" x "+RESULT.type+"]], ["+RESULT.size1+" x ["+RESULT.size2+" x "+RESULT.type+"]]* %"+RESULT.reg_id+", "+RESULT.type+" 0, "+RESULT.type+" "+(i.just_created?Integer.parseInt(i.value)-1:"%"+i.load_to)+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+RESULT.size2+" x "+RESULT.type+"], ["+RESULT.size2+" x "+RESULT.type+"]* %"+(var_count-1)+", "+RESULT.type+" 0, "+RESULT.type+" "+(j.just_created?Integer.parseInt(j.value)-1:"%"+j.load_to)+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+RESULT.type+" , "+RESULT.type+"* %"+(var_count-1)+", align "+RESULT.align+"\n");
 + RESULT.load_to = Integer.toString(var_count);
 + }
 +| INT:x {:
 + RESULT = new InfoVar(x, "i32", new Integer(4));
 +| DOUBLE:x {:
 + RESULT = new InfoVar(x, "double", new Integer(8));
 +//Elements of vectors of a matrix
 +matrix_elements ::= matrix_elements:x S vect_elements:y{:
 + x.add(y);
 + RESULT = x;
 +| vect_elements:x{:
 + RESULT = new ArrayList<ArrayList<InfoVar>>();
 + RESULT.add(x);
 +//Elements of variables or constants of a vector
 +vect_elements ::= vect_elements:x elem:y{:
 + x.add(y);
 + RESULT = x;
 +| elem:x {:
 + RESULT = new ArrayList<InfoVar>();
 + RESULT.add(x);
 +=== Matrix and array definition ===
 +Matrices definitions use also the array (vector) definitions since is just a list a of their
 +definitions. In the same way, the definition of the arrays is a list of InfoVar
 +<code java>
 +| ID:id EQ SO vect_elements:x SC{:
 + InfoVar nInfoVar = new InfoVar(); 
 + Integer vector_Register = Integer.parseInt(nInfoVar.reg_id);
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+vector_Register+" = alloca ["+x.size()+" x "+x.get(0).type+"], align "+x.get(0).align+"\n");
 + for(int i = 0; i<x.size(); i++)
 + {
 + InfoVar xTy = x.get(i);
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+x.size()+" x "+x.get(i).type+"], ["+x.size()+" x "+x.get(i).type+"]* %"+vector_Register+", "+x.get(i).type+" 0, "+x.get(i).type+" "+i+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("store "+xTy.type+" "+(x.get(i).just_created?x.get(i).value:"%"+x.get(i).load_to)+", "+xTy.type+"* %"+var_count+", align "+xTy.align+"\n");
 + nInfoVar.type = x.get(0).type;
 + nInfoVar.align = x.get(0).align;
 + nInfoVar.size1 = x.size();
 + addSymbol(id, nInfoVar );
 +//Vector element assignment
 +| ID:id RO arit_op:x RC EQ arit_op:y {:
 + InfoVar idVar = parser.symbolTable.get(id);
 + if(!x.just_created)
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+idVar.size1+" x "+idVar.type+"], ["+idVar.size1+" x "+idVar.type+"]* %"+idVar.reg_id+", "+idVar.type+" 0, "+idVar.type+" %"+x.load_to+"\n");
 + else
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+idVar.size1+" x "+idVar.type+"], ["+idVar.size1+" x "+idVar.type+"]* %"+idVar.reg_id+", "+idVar.type+" 0, "+idVar.type+" "+(Integer.parseInt(x.value)-1)+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("store "+idVar.type+" "+(y.just_created?y.value:"%"+y.load_to)+", "+idVar.type+"* %"+var_count+", align "+idVar.align+"\n");
 +| ID:id EQ SO matrix_elements:x SC{:
 + InfoVar nInfoVar = new InfoVar(); 
 + Integer matrix_Register = Integer.parseInt(nInfoVar.reg_id);
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+matrix_Register+" = alloca ["+x.size()+" x ["+x.get(0).size()+" x "+x.get(0).get(0).type+"]], align "+x.get(0).get(0).align+"\n");
 + for(int i = 0; i<x.size(); i++)
 + {
 + for(int j = 0; j<x.get(i).size(); j++)
 + {
 + InfoVar xTy = x.get(i).get(j);
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+x.size()+" x ["+x.get(i).size()+" x "+xTy.type+"]], ["+x.size()+" x ["+x.get(i).size()+" x "+xTy.type+"]]* %"+matrix_Register+", "+xTy.type+" 0, "+xTy.type+" "+i+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+x.get(i).size()+" x "+xTy.type+"], ["+x.get(i).size()+" x "+xTy.type+"]* %"+(var_count-1)+", "+xTy.type+" 0, "+xTy.type+" "+j+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("store "+xTy.type+" "+(xTy.just_created?xTy.value:"%"+xTy.load_to)+", "+xTy.type+"* %"+var_count+", align "+xTy.align+"\n");
 + }
 + nInfoVar.type = x.get(0).get(0).type;
 + nInfoVar.align = x.get(0).get(0).align;
 + nInfoVar.size1 = x.size();
 + nInfoVar.size2 = x.get(0).size();
 + addSymbol(id, nInfoVar );
 +//Matrix element assignment
 +| ID:id RO arit_op:i CM arit_op:j RC EQ arit_op:x {:
 + InfoVar idVar = parser.symbolTable.get(id);
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+idVar.size1+" x ["+idVar.size2+" x "+idVar.type+"]], ["+idVar.size1+" x ["+idVar.size2+" x "+idVar.type+"]]* %"+idVar.reg_id+", "+idVar.type+" 0, "+idVar.type+" "+(i.just_created?Integer.parseInt(i.value)-1:"%"+i.load_to)+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+idVar.size2+" x "+idVar.type+"], ["+idVar.size2+" x "+idVar.type+"]* %"+(var_count-1)+", "+idVar.type+" 0, "+idVar.type+" "+(j.just_created?Integer.parseInt(j.value)-1:"%"+j.load_to)+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("store "+idVar.type+" "+(x.just_created?x.value:"%"+x.load_to)+", "+idVar.type+"* %"+var_count+", align "+idVar.align+"\n");
 +Here is an example:
 +<code java>
 +d = [1 2 4 ; 5 6 7]
 +And here is the LLVM transformation:
 +<code java>
 +%7 = alloca [2 x [3 x i32]], align 4
 +%8 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x [3 x i32]], [2 x [3 x i32]]* %7, i32 0, i32 0
 +%9 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %8, i32 0, i32 0
 +store i32 1, i32* %9, align 4
 +%10 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x [3 x i32]], [2 x [3 x i32]]* %7, i32 0, i32 0
 +%11 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %10, i32 0, i32 1
 +store i32 2, i32* %11, align 4
 +%12 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x [3 x i32]], [2 x [3 x i32]]* %7, i32 0, i32 0
 +%13 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %12, i32 0, i32 2
 +store i32 4, i32* %13, align 4
 +%14 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x [3 x i32]], [2 x [3 x i32]]* %7, i32 0, i32 1
 +%15 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %14, i32 0, i32 0
 +store i32 5, i32* %15, align 4
 +%16 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x [3 x i32]], [2 x [3 x i32]]* %7, i32 0, i32 1
 +%17 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %16, i32 0, i32 1
 +store i32 6, i32* %17, align 4
 +%18 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x [3 x i32]], [2 x [3 x i32]]* %7, i32 0, i32 1
 +%19 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32], [3 x i32]* %18, i32 0, i32 2
 +store i32 7, i32* %19, align 4
 +==== Function implementation ====
 +The following piece of code represents the LLVM IR code of the functions, this only accepts integers parameters and integer returns
 +<code java>
 +function_def ::= FUNCT ID:r EQ ID:f RO parameters:par{:
 + stamentsBuff.append("define i32 @"+f+"("); 
 + for(int i = 0; i<par.size(); i++)
 + {
 + genVarCount();
 + stamentsBuff.append("i32"); 
 + if(i != (par.size()-1))
 + stamentsBuff.append(", "); 
 + else 
 + stamentsBuff.append(") {"+"\n");
 + }
 + Integer currentReg; 
 + for(int i = 0; i<par.size(); i++)
 + {
 + currentReg = genVarCount() ;
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+currentReg+" = alloca i32, align 4"+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("store i32 %"+i+", i32* %"+currentReg+"\n"); 
 + InfoVar newParam = new InfoVar();
 + var_count--;
 + newParam.reg_id = Integer.toString(currentReg); 
 + newParam.type = "i32";
 + newParam.align = 4;  
 + addSymbol(par.get(i), newParam);
 + }
 + ArrayList<String> parametersType= new ArrayList<String>();
 + for(int i = 0; i<par.size(); i++)
 + {
 + parametersType.add("i32");
 + }
 + InfoFun funct = new InfoFun(parametersType);
 + functionTable.put(f,funct);
 + ret_id = r;
 +:} RC statements END{:
 + stamentsBuff.append("}"+"\n");
 + var_count = 0;
 + symbolTable.clear(); 
 +param ::= ID:x {:RESULT = x;:} | ;
 +parameters ::= parameters:l CM param:x{:
 + l.add(x);
 + RESULT = l;
 +| param:x{:
 + RESULT = new ArrayList<String>();
 + RESULT.add(x);
 +==== Print instruction ====
 +There are two print instructions implemented, the first one is "disp" which only displays 
 +either string words with the function ManageString or variables (IDs for simple variables, arrays or matrices) with the function ManageStringID; if the ID to be printed is a vector or matrix, this instruction prints the whole structure.
 +The Matlab instruction "fprintf" instead allows (in this implementation) to display string along to 
 +the reference of the variables (only single variables).
 +<code java>
 +//Print instruction
 +print_instr ::= DISP RO STRING:x RC{:
 + ManageString(x);
 +|DISP RO ID:x RC{:
 + ManageStringID(x);
 +| PRINT RO STRING:s CM id_list:x RC{:
 + ManageString(s,x);
 +| print_keyw error {:pSynWarning("Error in print instruction.");:}
 +id_list ::= id_list:x CM ID:i{:
 + x.add(i);
 + RESULT = x;
 + RESULT = new ArrayList<String>();
 + RESULT.add(x);
 +Here are the three ManageString functions
 +<code java>
 +public void ManageString(String x){
 + int label = genStrCount();
 + String s = x;
 + s = s.replace("\"","");
 + s = s + "\\0A\\00";
 + Integer length = s.length()-4;
 + parser.stringStatements.add("@.str." + label + " = private constant [" + length + " x i8] c\"" + s + "\", align 1");
 + stamentsBuff.append(("%" + genVarCount() + " = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([" + length + " x i8], [" + length + " x i8]* @.str." + label + ", i32 0, i32 0))\n"));
 +public void ManageStringID(String x){
 + InfoVar infoVar = parser.symbolTable.get(x);
 + if(!parser.symbolTable.containsKey(x))
 + {
 + pSemError("Variable "+x+" not declared.");
 + }else{
 + if(infoVar.size1==-1){ 
 + int label = genStrCount();
 + String s = "%"+(infoVar.type.equals("i32")?"d":"f")+"\\0A\\00";
 + Integer length = s.length()-4;
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+infoVar.type+", "+infoVar.type+"* %"+infoVar.reg_id+", align "+infoVar.align+"\n");
 + infoVar.load_to = var_count+"";
 + parser.stringStatements.add("@.str." + label + " = private constant [" + length + " x i8] c\"" + s + "\", align 1");
 + stamentsBuff.append(("%" + genVarCount() + " = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([" + length + " x i8], [" + length + " x i8]* @.str." + label + ", i32 0, i32 0), "+infoVar.type+ " %"+infoVar.load_to+")\n"));
 + }else if(infoVar.size1!=1 && infoVar.size2==-1){
 + int label = genStrCount();
 + String s = "";
 + ArrayList<Integer> loads_reg = new ArrayList<>();
 + for(int i = 0;i < infoVar.size1-1; i++){
 + s = s+" %"+(infoVar.type.equals("i32")?"d":"f");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+infoVar.size1+" x "+infoVar.type+"], ["+infoVar.size1+" x "+infoVar.type+"]* %"+infoVar.reg_id+", "+infoVar.type+" 0, "+infoVar.type+" "+i+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+infoVar.type+" , "+infoVar.type+"* %"+(var_count-1)+", align "+infoVar.align+"\n");
 + loads_reg.add(var_count);
 + }
 + s = s+" %"+(infoVar.type.equals("i32")?"d":"f") + "\\0A\\00";
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+infoVar.size1+" x "+infoVar.type+"], ["+infoVar.size1+" x "+infoVar.type+"]* %"+infoVar.reg_id+", "+infoVar.type+" 0, "+infoVar.type+" "+(infoVar.size1-1)+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+infoVar.type+" , "+infoVar.type+"* %"+(var_count-1)+", align "+infoVar.align+"\n");
 + loads_reg.add(var_count);
 + Integer length = s.length()-4;
 + parser.stringStatements.add("@.str." + label + " = private constant [" + length + " x i8] c\"" + s + "\", align 1");
 + stamentsBuff.append(("%" + genVarCount() + " = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([" + length + " x i8], [" + length + " x i8]* @.str." + label + ", i32 0, i32 0)"));
 + stamentsBuff.append(", ");
 + for (int i = 0; i < loads_reg.size(); i ++)
 + {
 + if(i==0)
 + stamentsBuff.append(infoVar.type+" %"+loads_reg.get(i));
 + else
 + stamentsBuff.append(", "+infoVar.type+" %"+loads_reg.get(i));          
 + }
 + stamentsBuff.append(")"+"\n");
 + }else{
 + for(int i = 0;i < infoVar.size1; i++){
 + int label = genStrCount();
 + String s = "";
 + ArrayList<Integer> loads_reg = new ArrayList<>();
 + for(int j = 0;j < infoVar.size2; j++){
 + s = s+" %"+(infoVar.type.equals("i32")?"d":"f");
 + if(j== infoVar.size2-1)
 + s = s+"\\0A\\00";
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+infoVar.size1+" x ["+infoVar.size2+" x "+infoVar.type+"]], ["+infoVar.size1+" x ["+infoVar.size2+" x "+infoVar.type+"]]* %"+infoVar.reg_id+", "+infoVar.type+" 0, "+infoVar.type+" "+i+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = getelementptr inbounds ["+infoVar.size2+" x "+infoVar.type+"], ["+infoVar.size2+" x "+infoVar.type+"]* %"+(var_count-1)+", "+infoVar.type+" 0, "+infoVar.type+" "+j+"\n");
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+infoVar.type+" , "+infoVar.type+"* %"+(var_count-1)+", align "+infoVar.align+"\n");
 + loads_reg.add(var_count);
 + }
 + Integer length = s.length()-4;
 + parser.stringStatements.add("@.str." + label + " = private constant [" + length + " x i8] c\"" + s + "\", align 1");
 + stamentsBuff.append(("%" + genVarCount() + " = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([" + length + " x i8], [" + length + " x i8]* @.str." + label + ", i32 0, i32 0)"));
 + stamentsBuff.append(", ");
 + for (int j = 0; j < loads_reg.size(); j ++)
 + {
 + if(j==0)
 + stamentsBuff.append(infoVar.type+" %"+loads_reg.get(j));
 + else
 + stamentsBuff.append(", "+infoVar.type+" %"+loads_reg.get(j));          
 + }
 + stamentsBuff.append(")"+"\n");
 + }
 + }
 + }
 +public void ManageString(String x, ArrayList<String> variables)
 + ArrayList <InfoVar> regList = new ArrayList<InfoVar>();
 + int label = genStrCount();
 + InfoVar t = null;
 + String s = x;
 + s = s.replace("\"", "");
 + s = s.replace("%i", "%d");
 + for(String var : variables)
 + {
 + t = parser.symbolTable.get(var);
 + if(!parser.symbolTable.containsKey(var))
 + {
 + pSemError("Variable "+var+" not declared.");
 + }else if(parser.symbolTable.get(var).size1==-1){ 
 + stamentsBuff.append("%"+genVarCount()+" = load "+t.type+", "+t.type+"* %"+t.reg_id+", align "+t.align+"\n");
 + t.load_to = var_count+"";
 + regList.add(t);
 + }
 + }
 + s = s + "\\0A\\00";
 + Integer length = s.length()-4;
 + parser.stringStatements.add("@.str." + label + " = private constant [" + length + " x i8] c\"" + s + "\", align 1");
 + stamentsBuff.append(("%" + genVarCount() + " = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([" + length + " x i8], [" + length + " x i8]* @.str." + label + ", i32 0, i32 0)"));
 + stamentsBuff.append(", ");
 + for (int i = 0; i < regList.size(); i ++)
 + {
 + InfoVar infoVar = regList.get(i);
 + if(i==0)
 + stamentsBuff.append(infoVar.type+" %"+infoVar.load_to);
 + else
 + stamentsBuff.append(", "+infoVar.type+" %"+infoVar.load_to);          
 + }
 + stamentsBuff.append(")"+"\n");
 +==== Error handling ====
 +The compiler is able to recognize the following kind of errors: 
 +   * Variable not declared
 +   * Variable is not an array
 +   * Function not defined
 +   * Generic error in assignment
 +   * Missing ] in array definition
 +   * General error in while condition
 +   * Missing ) in while condition
 +   * General error in if condition
 +==== Missing functionalities, partial implementations ====
 +   * the ''disp()'' function only display strings or a single variable, not strings with variables nor or multiple variables
 +   * ''fprintf()'' only print ID from simple variables not ids from arrays or matrices, but ''disp()'' function does
 +   * functions only return and accept parameters with type i32 (integers)
 +   * if and while condition only allows AND conditions, OR conditions are not generated properly
 +   * No support for global variables
 +   * Strings cannot be assigned to a variable
 +   * Due to a reduce/shift conflict between reference from matrix element and function call (both with this syntax:'' ID(arit_op, arit_op))'', function calls have an additional "()" so that function_call can be recognized properly
 +===== Download and Parser =====
 +**Compiler** {{}}
 +   * Function example and arithmetic operations: {{}}
 +   * Array and matrix operations: {{}}
 +   * Bubble sort: {{}}
 +==== How to run it ====
 +  - Install the llvm package ''sudo apt install llvm''
 +  -  Download the matlab_compiler and unzip it
 +  -  Start a new terminal inside the source folder and run the following commands:
 +    * ''jflex matlab_scanner.jflex''
 +    * ''java java_cup.Main -expect 3 matlab_parser.cup''
 +    * ''javac *.java''
 +    * ''java Main source.mlx''
 +  - This will produce an ''output.ll'' file
 +  - Run output.ll file with: ''lli output.ll''
 +==== References ====
 +  * Templates and code structure were taken from [[|this section]].
 +  * [[]]

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