Exercise 02 ------------- Permissions management Verify and reply to the following questions: - the username and the group to which you belong. Is it possible to modify them? who groups Yes, it is possible to modify them if the user has the rights. - the position of your home directory within the file system hierarchy of the system you are using ls /home - the structure of your /home directory (e.g., its subdirectories, etc.) ls /home - the rights of reading and writing on the various directories of the file system. Is it possible to modify access rights to your home directory? ls -l /home cd /home/user1 ls -l /home/user1 etc etc - what happens if reading or execution rights are eliminated for a directory. Use both the octal notation (e.g., “654”) and the one based on characters (e.g., ”+uw-gx“) to modify the rights. How is it possible to modify in the same way the access rights to all the files and directories of a directory tree (for example, to eliminate the read right to all, user, group, and other of the directory osEx01backup)? Suggestion: man chmod ... recursive ... chmod -r a-r soEx01backup