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while cycle (Example 1)
While cycle, if instruction, module operator (%)
Implement a C program that:
- acquires 5 number from the keybord
- computes how many even and odd numbers are inserted
- prints the results of this computation
- while_cycle_1.c
/* Insert 5 numbers using the keyboard and count how many even and odd numbers have been inserted */ #include <stdio.h> #define NUMBERS 5 int main(){ int n; int x; int n_even, n_odd; n=0; n_even=0; n_odd=0; while(n<NUMBERS){ printf("Insert number %d: ", n); scanf("%d", &x); if (x%2 == 0) { printf("Even!\n"); n_even = n_even+1; }else{ printf("Odd!\n"); n_odd = n_odd+1; } n = n+1; } printf("EVEN: %d - ODD: %d\n", n_even, n_odd); return 0; }
The program executes 5 times the block of code inside the while cycle that:
- asks the user to insert a number
scanf("%d", &x);
- checks if the number is even if (x%2 == 0) or odd (branch else of the if instruction)
if (x%2 == 0) { /* Code executed if x is even */ }else{ /* Code executed if x is odd */ }
- in the case of an even, it increments the variable n_even, otherwise, in the case of an odd number, it increments the variable n_odd
- at the ends of the while cycle the program prints the results
printf("EVEN: %d - ODD: %d\n", n_even, n_odd);
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You can reuse, distribute or modify the content of this page, but you must cite in any document (or webpage) this url: https://www.skenz.it/cs/c_language/while_cycle_1
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