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Table of Contents
Computer science material
Linux Operating System
- Course about Operating Systems in English
- Linux Operating System: Material regarding the Linux operating system in English
- BASH shell: the bash Linux shell (useful commands)
- Sistema Operativo Linux: Material regarding the Linux operating system in Italian
C Programming Language
- Basic concepts: Some basic concepts and examples about the C programming language (useful for students that what to learn C) in English
- Concetti_base: Some basic concepts and examples about the C programming language (useful for students that what to learn C) in Italian
- c99: The c99 standard
Formal Languages and Compilers
- Course, Material regarding Jflex scanner and Cup parser in English
- Course,Material regarding Jflex scanner and Cup parser in Italian (dated material)
Strange Phenomena
Some strange phenomena I would like to know why they happened. Please, place your answer in the video.
Look at the blue coupon in the middle of the video, it moves by itself. It is due to the movement of my knee under the table. Any scientific explanation?
Others: Strange Phenomena
Other contents
You can find in this wiki some of my hobbies or knowledge. I hope they are useful for the internet community.- My Paints: Pictures of all my paintings
- Computer science: computer science algorithms and knowledge in general
- Recipes: recipes to cook foods
- Italian contents: contents in Italian language
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/web/htdocs/ · Last modified: 2024/04/08 22:34 by