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You can reuse, distribute or modify the content of this page, but you must cite in any document (or webpage) this url: https://www.skenz.it/cs/linux
- Linux Commands: some usefull Linux commands
- System Calls: Examples regarding Linux system calls
- Kernel compilation: how to compile a kernel
- Kernel boot parameters: how to configure kernel boot parameters with grub2
- RTAI: how to configure and use RTAI real-time kernel extension
- RTnet: how to configure and use RTnet real-time protocol stack
- ssh: how to configure and use ssh
- sshfs: how to configure and use sshfs (network filesystem ssh-based)
- WiFi: wireless configuration in Linux
- svn: svn sub versioning system (useful commands)
- git: git sub versioning system
- wget: download webpages from internet
- ffmpeg: linux shell tool for video operations/convetions
- frequency scaling: how to disable frequency scaling
- Linux software: software of general usefulness
If you found any error, or if you want to partecipate to the editing of this wiki, please contact: admin [at] skenz.it
You can reuse, distribute or modify the content of this page, but you must cite in any document (or webpage) this url: https://www.skenz.it/cs/linux
/web/htdocs/www.skenz.it/home/data/pages/cs/linux.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/08 22:34 by