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If you found any error, or if you want to partecipate to the editing of this wiki, please contact: admin [at] skenz.it
You can reuse, distribute or modify the content of this page, but you must cite in any document (or webpage) this url: https://www.skenz.it/cs/ns-3
Run a program:
./waf --run <ns3-program> --command-template="%s <args>" ./waf --run=hello-simulator --command-template="gdb %s --args <args>"
Example for enabling logging:
export NS_LOG=UdpEchoClientApplication=level_all|prefix_func|prefix_time:UdpEchoServerApplication=level_all|prefix_func|prefix_time' export 'NS_LOG=*=level_all|prefix_func|prefix_time'
Setting attributes at command line:
./waf --run "scratch/myfirst --PrintHelp" ./waf --run "scratch/myfirst --PrintAttributes=ns3::PointToPointNetDevice" ./waf --run "scratch/myfirst --ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate=5Mbps --ns3::PointToPointChannel::Delay=2ms --ns3::UdpEchoClient::MaxPackets=2"
tcpdump -nn -tt -r myfirst-0-0.pcap
Important classes: Node, Application, Channel (WifiChannel), NetDevice (WifiNetDevice)
If you found any error, or if you want to partecipate to the editing of this wiki, please contact: admin [at] skenz.it
You can reuse, distribute or modify the content of this page, but you must cite in any document (or webpage) this url: https://www.skenz.it/cs/ns-3
/web/htdocs/www.skenz.it/home/data/pages/cs/ns-3.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/08 22:35 by