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Table of Contents
Terminator is a terminal emulator with a lot of useful feature (first of all the ability to manage more than one shell in the same window).
The more useful shortcuts are the following:
- Ctrl-shift-E: vertical split
- Ctrl-Shift-O: horizontal split
- Ctrl-Shift-P: go on the previous view.
- Ctrl-Shift-N: go on the next view
- Ctrl-Shift-W: close current view
- Ctrl-Shift-Q: exit terminator.
- Ctrl-Shift-X: enlarge current window
To install terminator type in a shell:
sudo apt-get install terminator
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You can reuse, distribute or modify the content of this page, but you must cite in any document (or webpage) this url: https://www.skenz.it/cs/terminator
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