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 +====== Stefano Scanzio - Curriculum ======
 +| [[ss:|Stefano Scanzio]] | [[ss:Research]] | [[ss:Publications]] | [[ss:Teaching]] | [[ss:Theses]] | [[ss:Presentations]] | [[ss:Twitter]] |
 +===== Highlights =====
 +  * New Master Thesis (Research thesis, **must start within March 2021**) about the simulation of TSCH Wireless Sensor Networks in order to save energy and possible thesis about machine learning (see the video)\\ <html><iframe width="250" height="140" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>\\ Other details on the subject: [[]]
 +  * <html><span style="color:red;font-size:100%"><b>Conference:</b></span></html> [[|21st IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (IEEE WFCS 2025)]], Rostock, Germany (11-13 June, 2025).\\ Call for paper: [[|WFCS_2025_CFP.pdf]]\\ (**Deadlines** Paper submission:  February 7th, 2025)
 +  * New research **Master** Thesis (Research thesis, starting June/July 2024) about the use of artificial neural networks for the prediction of the quality of a wireless channel (see the video)\\ <html><iframe width="250" height="140" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>.
 +  * <html><span style="color:red;font-size:100%"><b>Call for Special Section (IEEE Access):</b></span></html> "**Advances on High Performance Wireless Networks for Automation and IIoT**" (deadline **November, 30th**)\\ Link: [[|WWW]], CfP: [[|CFP_High_Performance_Wireless.pdf]]
 +  * **[[|IEEE ETFA 2022]]** (Stuttgart, Germany) Call for Special Sessions: "**Advanced Methods for the Management of Factory Networks**" [[|etfa2022_ss10_cfp.pdf]]
 +**[[|IEEE WFCS 2022]]** (Pavia, Italy) - Call for Special Sessions: [[|here]].\\ <html><span style="color:red;font-size:100%">Deadline for submitting a Special Session proposal (<b>December. 17, 2022</b>).</spam></html>
 +  * New Master Thesis (Research thesis, **must start within January 2022**) about the use of **Artificial Neural Networks** to predict the **future performance** in terms of frame delivery ratio of a wireless channel based on the IEEE 802.11 (**Wi-Fi**) standard (see the video)\\ <html><iframe width="250" height="140" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
 +/*===== Highlights =====*/
 +/*ETFA 2020 (Austria) - [[|Track 2 - Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems]]. Call for paper [[|here]] (deadline extended to May 8th)*/
 +/*AI Challenge Days 2020 (5-7 June 2020): Online-Hackathon on AI, register at [[|AI Challenge Days 2020]]*/
 +/*<html><b><span style="color:red;font-size:150%">[2019/11/25] 2 Intership and a PhD position in Luxembourg (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology - LIST) </span></b></html>\\
 +For student at the end of an engineering cycle (Master of Science or Master 2) in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or Applied Mathematics.\\
 +The intership will be **paid**.\\
 +Please contact stefano.scanzio [at]  and  mariarita.palattella [at]\\
 +Intership 1 :[[|Intership_LIST_5G_IoT_satellite_networks.pdf]], Intership 2: [[|MRT-2020-Intern-003.pdf]], PhD: [[|LoRaSAT_PhD_open_position.pdf]]
 +**Please, if interested express your interest quickly!**
 +[[|AdHoc-Now 2019]] deadlines were extended of two weeks (**May 15** and **May 30**, for abstract and full paper submissions, respectively). We remind you that one registration allows the Author to present up to **three (3) papers** on which he/she is an Author or Co-Author.
 +===== Contacts =====
 +{{|Stefano Scanzio}}
 +**Stefano Scanzio, Ph.D.** Researcher for the Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (CNR-IEIIT) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) 
 +<html><iframe width="250" height="140" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
 +  * **Email work:** stefano.scanzio [AT_SYMBOL] \\
 +  * **Email accademic:** stefano.scanzio [AT_SYMBOL] \\
 +  * **Email personal:** stefano.scanzio [AT_SYMBOL] \\
 +  * **Telegram:** [[]]
 +  * **Phone      :** +39.011.0905438\\
 +  * **Address    :** CNR-IEIIT (c/o Politecnico di Torino), Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
 +  * **Istitutional web:** [[|]]
 +  * **How to reach my office**: [[p:where|click here]]
 +  * **LinkedIn   :** [[|]]
 +  * **Orcid      :** [[|0000-0001-7643-2342]]
 +  * **Google Scholar    :** [[|]]
 +  * **Scopus     :** [[|]]
 +  * **Web of Science:** [[|]]
 +  * **Research Gate :** [[|]]
 +  * **Youtube channel:** [[]]
 +  * **Twitter account:** [[]]
 +===== Short bio =====
 +I received the Laurea and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. From 2004 to 2009, I was with the Department of Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, where I was involved in research on speech recognition and, in particular, have been active in classification methods and algorithms. Since 2009, I have been with the National Research Council of Italy, where I'm currently a tenured Researcher with the Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (CNR-IEIIT), Turin.
 +I'm teaching several courses on computer science at Politecnico di Torino. I have authored and co-authored more than 60 papers in international journals and conferences, in the areas of industrial communication systems, real-time networks, wireless networks, and clock synchronization protocols. I served as the TCP Co-Chair of the 2019 edition of the International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless and as the Work-in-Progress Co-Chair of the 2018 edition of the IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems.
 +I received the 2017 Best Paper Award of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS and the Best Paper Awards for three papers presented at the IEEE Workshops on Factory Communication Systems in 2010, 2017 and 2019, and for a paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems in 2020.
 +I'm an Associate Editor of the [[|Ad Hoc Networks]] (Elsevier), of the [[|IEEE Access]], and of the [[|Electronics]] (MDPI) journals.
 +/* Editions of BPAs:
 +8th, 13th and 15th IEEE Workshops on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2010, WFCS 2017, and WFCS 2019)
 +===== Useful links =====
 +  * Course: [[|Operating Systems]]
 +  * Course: [[|Sistemi operativi]] (Italian)
 +  * Course: [[|Formal Languages and Compilers]]
 +  * Theses: [[ss:theses|List of available theses]] (Not exhaustive)
 +/*  * Link Virtual Machines LAIB (Operating Systems and Sistemi Operativi courses): [[|Execution]], [[|Guide]] */

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