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 +<html><h1><span style="color:red">Computer science material</span></h1></html>
 +===== Linux Operating System=====
 +  * [[os|]]: Course about Operating Systems in English 
 +  * [[cs:Linux Operating System]]: Material regarding the Linux operating system in English
 +  * **[[cs:BASH shell]]: the bash Linux shell (useful commands)**
 +  * [[it:informatica:Sistema Operativo Linux]]: Material regarding the Linux operating system in Italian
 +===== C Programming Language =====
 +  * [[cs:C language:Basic concepts]]: Some basic concepts and examples about the C programming language (useful for students that what to learn C) in English
 +  * [[it:informatica:linguaggio_c:Concetti_base]]: Some basic concepts and examples about the C programming language (useful for students that what to learn C) in Italian
 +  * [[cs:C language:c99]]: The //c99// standard
 +===== Formal Languages and Compilers ======
 +  * [[compilers|]]: Course, Material regarding Jflex scanner and Cup parser in English 
 +  * [[|]]: Course,Material regarding Jflex scanner and Cup parser in Italian (dated material) 
 +===== Strange Phenomena =====
 +Some strange phenomena I would like to know why they happened. Please, place your answer in the video.
 +Look at the blue coupon in the middle of the video, it moves by itself. It is due to the movement of my knee under the table. Any scientific explanation?
 +<html><iframe width="280" height="157" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
 +Others: [[Strange Phenomena]]
 +===== Other computer science material =====
 +| [[cs:Linux Operating System|{{}}]] | [[cs:Linux Operating System]] Material regarding the course of "Operating System"|
 +| :::  | [[cs:bash shell]]: the bash Linux shell (useful commands) |
 +|[[cs:C language:Basic concepts|{{}}]] | C Programming:|
 +|::: | [[cs:C language:Basic concepts]]: Some basic concepts and examples about the C programming language (useful for students that what to learn C)|
 +|::: | [[cs:C language:c99]]: The //c99// standard|
 +===== Courses: =====
 +  * [[|Operating Systems]]
 +  * [[|Formal Languages and Compilers]]
 +<html><h1><span style="color:red">Other contents</span></h1></html>
 +You can find in this wiki some of my hobbies or knowledge. I hope they are useful for the internet community.
 +  * [[painting: My Paints]]: Pictures of all my paintings
 +  * [[cs:Computer science]]: computer science algorithms and knowledge in general
 +  * [[food:Recipes]]: recipes to cook foods
 +  * [[it:Italian contents]]: contents in Italian language

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/web/htdocs/ · Last modified: 2024/04/08 22:34 by

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