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Boolean Expressions
Boolean expressions (and if
Some examples regarding boolean expressions, in conjunction with the if
Examples have been explained with comments in the code.
- boolean_expressions.c
/* Examples regarding boolean expressions */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { int res; int x = 2, y = 3; /* In C, a number different than 0 is a TRUE value */ if (-10) { printf("A: True\n"); /* Executed code */ } /* A false condition in C is the number 0 */ if (0) { printf("B: True\n"); }else{ printf("B: False\n"); /* Executed code */ } res = 3+2*5; /* res=13 */ if (res) { /* 13 is a True value */ printf("C: True\n"); /* Executed code */ } /* res that is equal to 13 is greater than the 7. The comparison is therefore a TRUE value, but NOT TRUE = FALSE */ if ( !(res>5+2) ) { printf("D: True\n"); }else{ printf("D: False\n"); /* Executed code */ } /* 2 > 5 is FALSE and 3 < 4 is TRUE, i.e, FALSE OR TRUE = TRUE, therefore the variable res contain a value different than 0, in this case it contains the value 1 */ res = 2 > 5 || 3 < 4; /* 0 OR 1 */ printf("E: %d\n", res); /* Print "E: 1" */ /* x=2; y=3; 2 >= 3 is FLASE, 3==3 is TRUE, 2!=3 is FALSE Analizing the boolean expression: (FALSE AND TRUE) OR NOT TRUE = FALSE OR FALSE = FALSE, therefore the variable res contains a 0 */ res = (x >= y && x+1==y) || !(x!=y); printf("F: %d\n", res); return 0; }
The output of this program is:
A: True B: False C: True D: False E: 1 F: 0
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