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Table of Contents
Usefull commands for plot charts with Gnuplot
Set label to axes
set <xlabel|ylabel> '<label_text>' Ex. set xlabel 'x label name'
Set tics into axes
set <xtics|ytics> <start> <incr> {<end>} Ex. set xtics 10, 0.5, 12 # 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12
Include external files
For long gnuplot scripts is useful to divide the script in more than one file. To include in a gnuplot script external files the following command can be used:
load "filename"
Simple bar chart
set boxwidth 0.5 set style fill solid plot "data.dat" using 1:2 with boxes
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You can reuse, distribute or modify the content of this page, but you must cite in any document (or webpage) this url: https://www.skenz.it/cs/gnuplot
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