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Max 3
Read data (with scanf
function), algorithm for the computation of the maximum between 3 number and print the result (with printf
Implement a C program that reads 3 floating point variables and prints the maximum value between them
- max3.c
/* Program for the computation of the maximum value between 3 float numbers */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { float x, y, z; /* input data */ float max; /* output data */ printf("Insert x value: "); scanf("%f", &x); printf("Insert y value: "); scanf("%f", &y); printf("Insert z value: "); scanf("%f", &z); if (x>y) /* find the maximum between x and y, and store it in the variable max */ max=x; else max=y; if(z>max) /* compare z with max */ max=z; printf("The maximum between %f, %f and %f is %f\n", x, y, z, max); return(0); }
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