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Operating Systems Course

Teacher: Stefano Scanzio
email: stefano.scanzio [ AT_SYMBOL ]


  • [2025/01/07]: Added all the material of the course, including new exams and correction of laboratories.
  • [2024/12/11]: Added text of the last laboratory, and solutions of the eighth laboratory
  • [2024/09/23]: Added all the material of the course
  • [2024/09/23]: Added calendar of all the course: calendar
  • [2024/09/23]: New research Master Theses (Research thesis, four different topics, starting July-December 2024) (watch the video)


  • u20: AWK (Outside the course topics) Not required at the exam

Slide of the 2021/2022 academic year:


If you have not installed the Linux operating system in your PC, to run the virtual machines provided by Politecnico you need to follow this guide: labvdilinux-at-home-eng-v.4.4.1.pdf (Remember that you have to download and install into your PC the software Virt-viewer 9.0)
Login link: login link

  • Guide to setup Linux in Virtual Box: tutorial_VM.pdf
  • Another guide to setup Linux in your PCs: guide
  • Lab01: Management of files and directories, Permissions management, Link and comparisons between files, C programs and compilation
  • Lab02: Analysis of concurrent programs, System call fork and shell commands related to processes, Precedence graph
  • Lab03: System call fork, exec, system
  • Lab04: Shell commands for processes and redirection, concurrency using fork() and wait(), use of signals
  • Lab05: Signals and pipe, Pipe and synchronization, Command find, Filters
  • Lab06: From recursion to concurrency, Concurrent file sorting, Concurrent file sorting and merging
  • Lab07: Bash scripts
  • Lab08: Access to critical sections, precedence graphs with semaphores
  • Lab09: Concurrent programs with semaphores
  • Lab10: Pseudo-exam test



Cheat sheet

Cheat sheet that can be used during the exam (PRINT them!)

Exam texts and solutions (before the "exam" platform)

Exam in Italian (before the "exam" platform)

In the following link you can find previous exams with solutions of the Italian version of the course:

Proposed Theses (Master Degree)

New Master Thesis

New research Master Theses (Research thesis, four different topics, starting July-December 2024) (watch the video)

Thesis proposals can be downloaded here:
If interested, for informations, contact: stefano.scanzio [ AT_SYMBOL ] www:

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/web/htdocs/ · Last modified: 2025/01/07 09:54 by zioskenz

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